Reproducing Test-Comp Results

A description on how we make the results of the competition reproducible can be found in the competition report; the components that are listed below in the table are described in Sect. 4 "Reproducibility".

An overview over all components that were uses in the competition can be found on the reproduction page.

In the below listings, we use superscript labels to indicate new tools new, inactive tools , and meta tools meta.

Tools for Test Generation

Tool Lang. Jury member Affiliation Archive Benchmark definition
Overview Chair Dirk Beyer LMU Munich, Germany
cetfuzz C inactive 10207018 cetfuzz.xml
CoVeriTest C Marie-Christine Jakobs LMU Munich, Germany 14203369 coveritest.xml
ESBMC-incr C Chenfeng Wei University of Manchester, UK 14340851 esbmc-incr.xml
ESBMC-kind C Chenfeng Wei University of Manchester, UK 14340851 esbmc-kind.xml
FDSE C Zhenbang Chen National University of Defense Technology, China 14282305 fdse.xml
Fizzer C Marek Trtík Masaryk University, Brno, Czechia 14246517 fizzer.xml
FuSeBMC C Kaled Alshmrany University of Manchester / Institute of Public Administration, UK / Saudi Arabia 13983351 fusebmc.xml
FuSeBMC-AI C inactive 10199336 fusebmc-ia.xml
HybridTiger C inactive 10412240 hybridtiger.xml
KLEEF C Aleksandr Misonizhnik Independent Researcher, Neutral 14354572 kleef.xml
KLEE C inactive 10412702 klee.xml
Owi C, Wasm inactive 10213245 owic.xml
PRTest C Thomas Lemberger LMU Munich, Germany 10057463 prtest.xml
Rizzer C inactive 10202006 rizzer.xml
Sikrakennew C Christophe Meudec South East Technological University, Ireland 14343769 sikraken.xml
Symbiotic C Martin Jonáš Masaryk University, Brno, Czechia 14230101 symbiotic.xml
TracerX C Joxan Jaffar National University of Singapore, Singapore 14349664 tracerx.xml
TracerX-WP C Joxan Jaffar National University of Singapore, Singapore 14349699 tracerx-wp.xml
UTestGen C Max Barth LMU Munich, Germany 14185070 utestgen.xml
WASP-C C inactive 10412766 wasp-c.xml

Tools for Validation

Tool Lang. Format Jury member Affiliation Archive Benchmark definition
TestCov C Clang Formatted, Clang Unformatted, GCC Formatted, GCC Unformatted Matthias Kettl LMU Munich, Germany 14544775 testcov.xml